Ketee Chxalli

Basic Stats
Name: Ketee Chxalli
Rank: Alaris of the Carpenter's Ala, Year 0-5
Alaris of the Maintainer's Ala, Year 5-250
Caretaker: Itheflene Chxalli
Origin: BWR, Clutch 19R
Species: Asandus Mutt
Gender: Male
Colour: Red-Black
Size: Medium-Small
Shoulder Height: 9'
Length: 22'
Abilities: Functional Magic: Ketee produces raw magic that he uses to supplement his food intake and increase his lifespan. He's capable of spinning excess magic into spells.
Limited Destruction Powers: Ketee has the ability to cause minor destruction around him, though this is usually limited to seams and glue coming undone... he doesn't have control over this power, either, which can make life interesting!
Psionics (Telepathy, Teleportation, Telekinesis): Ketee is able to speak mind to mind, move instantly from place to place, and move smallish objects with the power of his mind alone.
Shape-Shifting: Ketee's human form mimics the colouration of his dragon body, meaning that his skin fades from red to black, and is marked by faint stripes. His hair is brownish-orange.
Verbal Speech: Ketee can speak aloud.
Personality: Oh, isn't Ketee just to die for? Just look at him trotting about, singing his songs, playing his lute... sigh, it's no wonder they tout this guy as 'the dragon with a fire inside'; he's a minstrel with a heart of gold and a passion that most dragonesses (or ladies in general -- having a human form is very useful!) are hard pressed to match. Ketee is a gentleman and a gentle man, with idealistic views that he espouses in his songs. He's all about esthetics, enjoying the beauty, love, truth etc. in life. It's hard to keep him down, or even to bring him to notice the darker aspects of life -- Ketee all but shuns those to follow the light, fluffy and wonderful (not to mention what -- or who -- makes him feel good.)
He does have a work ethic, even if it is dwarfed by his sensualist nature. Ketee can work with his hands and has been known to make some delicate and practical vases and jars and other items, which are much in demand throughout the Nidus. He is a pleasure to work with, being talkative and open even when making finishing touches.
Opalescent White Chigretle C.
Mahogany Brown Cucytao C.
Orange Keshoo C.
Red-Black Ketee C.
Rust Red Nice C.
Black Niloniy C.
Red-Black Raeryo C.
Opalescent White Riyae C.
Dark Rust Red Sweya C.
Red-Orange Asandus Mixbreed Paxis Diemicana-Pariyani
Green-White Askan Asandus Chiya Diemicana
Askan Asandus Ivrian Diemicana
Askan Asandus Cadencia Diemicana
Piralan Asandus Ketvia Pariyani
Piralan Asandus Reve Pariyani
Piralan Asandus Adama Pariyani
Red-Black Fireling Mutt Itheflene Chxalli
Copper Fireling Cyprium Chxalli
Fire Elemental KTFE
Gold-White Sun Goddess Lanriki
Many-Coloured Bre'Ama Nin'Queesha Chxalli
Red-Orange Mutt Durolor Caelumpictor
Red-Grey Mutt Ilmi Caelumpictor
Orange-Cream Il'arta Ithrioa
Mate Sons Daughters
Phoenix Dragon, Helion Red-Black Ineo C.
Opalescent White Kayonket C.
Opalescent White Nalo C.
Dark Rust Red Sacuro C.
Copper Fire Chice C.
Warm Silver Sholoon C.
Red-Black Triquee C.
Extra Info
Retires: Year 250 (Day 3500)
Breeding Preferences: Fiery dragons, artistic, lady-like dragons, those who make him feel good.
Limitations: Breeds with Small <-> Medium
Litter Average: 3-7
Gestation Time: 8 months (10 Days)
Offspring Maturity: 30 Years (420 Days)
Offspring Require Bond: No