Camillo Ortinez

Basic Stats
Name: Camillo Ortinez
Rank: Alaris of the Hunting & Fishing Ala, Year 0-6
Optio of the Fishing Ala, Year 6-88
Bond: Presche Silvacaela
Bonded At: The Bower, Clutch 19B
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Height: 5'7"
Appearance: Camillo is a raggedy looking man with ochre, pock-marked skin and thick black hair. His mustache and beard are in decent shape, and he dresses nicely enough, though he has obviously spent much of his life in the sun and spray of the ocean, for both have weathered him harshly. Scars of lacerations mark his hands and arms, and the tip of his right ear is missing -- he was once involved in fighting on a regular basis. Not anymore; Camillo's dour face can be seen lighting up in a smile more often than not, and his calloused hands are put to better use gutting fish than people!
Personality: Camillo, once a member of a pirate crew, made his living through thieving and fighting for a good portion of his life. He wound up at the Bower at the end of an extended bender and, after bonding Presche sheerely by accident, hasn't looked back to his old life. He's still a little raggedy around the edges, but Presche keeps him on the right track. Living at the Nidus and earning an honest living seems to be helping him to reach a path on the straight and level.
Mate Sons Daughters
Human Elalle Callamo Ortinez
Cat Anthro Siche Four Sillo Five Chie Five

Presche Silvacaela

Youth Image

Basic Stats
Name: Presche Silvacaela
Rank: Alaris of the Hunting & Fishing Ala, Year 0-6
Optio of the Fishing Ala, Year 6-88
Rider: Camillo
Origin: The Bower, Clutch 19B
Species: Mutt
Gender: Male
Colour: Ore
Size: Medium
Shoulder Height: 10'
Length: 30'
Abilities: Acid Blood: Presche's blood is composed of acid strong enough to melt through most surfaces.
Partial Shifting: Presche can shapeshift into a partially human form, though his skin is a mottled silver colour, and he sports golden fins along his arms and head. He has no hair on his body.
Telepathy: Presche can communicate mentally, though this ability is limited by bond and distance.
Water Breathing: Presche can breath while under water.
Water Majyck: Presche can perform feats using water, whether they be moving water from one place to another, freezing or boiling it. Only affects within a twenty meter radius.
Personality: Presche is the kind of dragon that you don't want to annoy, for while he's generally friendly and pleasant to be around, he notices things, even slight snubs, and he's very consistent with payback. Usually he waits a day or two until the offender has forgotten their problem, then leaves something to put a kink in their day accompanied by a standard calling card. Understandably, Presche doesn't make an undue amount of friends... but he does get called on to do what he does best for others!
In his spare time, Presche enjoys working with water, making charms for safety and smooth sailing. He can't summon sea life like some of the rest of his family, but he can put magic into things like nets and boats to suggest such magic!
Blue-Black Axi S.
Sandstone Dabri S.
Red Imyet S.
Glass Numkehur S.
Black Pastizbel S.
Ore Presche S.
Black Rekketel S.
Blue Upzuup S.
Black Drak/Cascatan Mutt Bormaike Silvacaela
Flame Drak Marek
Old Cascatan Asandus Labri Silvacaela
Glass Mutt Ysskiz
Lichenized Black Wyld Zuskiz
Lichenized Alskyrian Seadragon Sport Zaeiz
Blue Hathian Soledara
Coal Gem-Dragon Mutt Joysnis
Rust-Black Xenomutt Dosipun
Opal Gem Dragon, Phantom
Mate Sons Daughters
Piralan/Daemon Mutt Sessia Deaabath Coal Axe D.
Red Brido D.
Emerald Chekiz D.
Red Sike D.
Black Tomapas D.
Red Yolienu D.
Amber Briyokiz D.
Amethyst Esi D.
Diamond Lucia D.
Black Maikizya D.
Blue Sesizses D.
Red Sestombel D.
Black Wensima D.
Human, Pegeora Donalite Gerea S.
Sera S.
Extra Info
Retires: Year 88 (Day 1232)
Breeding Preferences: Draks, Cascatan Asandae, marine dragons, smart dragons, pleasant dragons
Limitations: Breeds with Medium-Small <-> Medium-Large
Clutch Average: 5 <-> 15
Gestation Time: 9 Months (11 Days)
Offspring Maturity: 17 Years (238 Days)
Offspring Require Bond: Yes